Quvianaqtuk Pudlat

b. 1962 -

Kinggait, Nunavut Territory

Quvianaqtuk Putlat’s career as an artist has shifted from carving to drawing over the last decade. His two dimensional work was first shown in the 2017 print collection where his print “Sparring Owls” was selected for the cover. Since that time, we have seen his individual style become more established and it now stands at the forefront of contemporary Inuit art. Quvianiaqtuk has an innate ability to take well established themes and elevate them through a contemporary lens. Images of caribou bring to mind Kananginak Pootoogook, while the epic scale and expressive character of the subjects are reminiscent of Tim Pitsiulak. However, Quvianaqtuk’s drawings are distinct and exceptional, showing his unique voice in the artistic community.

His carvings and drawings have been exhibited across the country and are in numerous prestigious collections, including the National Gallery of Canada.