Colours of Summer VIII

June 24 - August 23, 2017

Madrona Gallery is pleased to present its eighth annual Colours of Summer group exhibition.  This show will feature a range of historic and contemporary works by the Madrona stable of artists and will include painting, drawing and sculpture. The show will continue to evolve throughout the summer as new works are hung, each embodying the spirit of the season.

Included in this exhibition are a world class collection of Carvings from throughout the Arctic. They can be viewed here

Another Highlight of this exhibition is a special collection of Drawings from Cape Dorset by leading artists including Itee Pootoogook, Shuvinai Ashoona, Kananginak Pootoogook, Jutai Toonoo, Ningiukulu Teevee, Qavavau Manumie and Tim Pitsiulak.
This collection can be viewed here.